
Conversa sobre folclore portuguesa

Aqui temos algumas ligacoes recomendadas pelos nossos convidados da última emissao. Aproveitam desta faculdade de descobrir um bocadinho mais do Portugal cultural!

O quê é a GEFAC?

Teaser da Documentacao:

Apresentacao da GEFAC:

GPS 23/01 - Take Away Cantinas Amarelas

Este serviço permite comprar uma refeição pronta de segunda-feira a sexta entre as 6h da tarde e as 9h da noite. A comida é cozinhada nas cantinas amarelas e é lá que podem ir buscar o que escolheram, más primeiro têm de encomendar! 

Para saber que pratos, sopas e sobremesas podem escolher, visitem a página de facebook dos Serviços Sociais da UC, onde todos os dias publicam o menu.

As encomendas são feitas por telefone para o número +933 500 049 
É uma alternativa ao jantar numa cantina, e boa notícia é que o preço é igual ao da cantina.

Cultural Agenda 23/01 - 30/01

A ouvir:

"Anita e os manu jazz" ao Salão Brazil

Dia: 24 de janeiro as 22:30 horas

Projecto iniciado em junho de 2012, caracterizado pela grande energia que o grupo transmite ao público, levando o jazz a locais menos convencionais e que tem conseguido em pouco tempo criar um público fiel ao seu trabalho, apenas em 2 meses realizou 18 concertos pela região centro.

A ver:

"Amor" ao Teatro Academico Gil Vicente

Dia: 28 de janeiro, 21:30 horas
Preço: 4 Euros normal, 3 estudantes em geral e 2 estudantes e funcionários da UC

Filme francês vencedor do prêmio Palma de ouro no festival de Cannes do ano de 2012 e do Globo de Ouro do Melhor Filme também. Realização de Michel Haneke. O filme fala de um casal de musicos idosos e acontece um acidente com a mulher, nesse meio tempo o casal tem que de por a prova o amor que sentem um pelo outro. O filme é um drama e dura aproximadamente 2 horas e 5 minutos com intervalo.

 "Rififi" ao Auditorio do mosteiro de Santa Clara velha

Dia: 29 de janeiro, 21:30 horas
Preço: Entrada livre para os sócios filak e cineclube e 1 Euro para o público em geral

Filme francês também, do gênero thriller (suspense). Realização de Julie Dassin, do ano de 1955. O filme fala de um plano ambicioso de assalto, que começa a dar errado quando um dos membros do grupo comete um erro.


O quê fazer do 16/01 até o 23/01? (Apesar de estudar...)


Quando? Segunda-feira, 21/01/2013
Onde? Teatro Academico Gil Vicente 

Quanto é? 4 normal, 2 estudante da UC, 3 estudante de outras Universidades
O quê é? "Bellamy" é uma história de suspense e ação, onde um comissário, o Paul Bellamy e sua esposa vão passar ferias e uma estranha história de suspense aparece para que eles desvendem. O filme é Francês do ano de 2009, com uma realização de Claude Chabrol e dura aproximadamente 1 hora e 50 minutos com intervalo.

Não esqueçam que cada terça-feira o Monasterio de Santa Clara-a-velha presenta filmes internacionais a só 1€ de entrada.

Quando? 17/01 - 26/01/2012
Onde? Casa das Artes, Coimbra
Quanto é? 7 € preço normal, 5 € estudantes/seniores

O quê é? A Camaleão acolhe "Glamour Noir", um espectáculo inteiramente dedicado ao Burlesco Clássico, Neo-burlesco, Cabaret Noir e Fetiche criado por Manu De La Roche.
Durante cerca de uma hora a artista brindará o público com diversos números como a Dança dos Leques, tributo a Marlene Dietrich assim como The Bunny, S & Mouse e mais dois números surpresa também farão parte deste espectáculo de formato único.
Mais info em: http://camaleao-casadasartes.blogspot.pt/


Já abriu o "Loggia" no Museu Nacional Machado de Castro, a 200 m do Fado ao Centro. Visita imperdível neste grande MUSEU NACIONAL em Coimbra!

Além de Coimbra - um pouco por toda a parte do mundo

Brasil é o 3º em ranking de otimismo sobre economia em 2013! Mais de 50% da população brasileira acredita que neste novo ano a economia do país tende a crescer.

Em Goiania um médico se emociona ao fazer o parto de uma avó que emprestou o útero para gerar netas gêmeas, pois sua filha já não tinha mais o útero devido a uma doença que descobriu aos 13 anos de idade. Essa história já havia acontecido antes, até mesmo foi inspiração em uma telenovela brasileira.
A forte poluição que afeta Pequim nos últimos dias gerou uma onda insólita de críticas. Havia um grande aumento de doenças das vias respiratórias.

Em breve (fevereiro) vai chegar o ano novo em China. Entramos no ano da serpente.

GPS - Onde estudar?

As cantinas do Polo III no mês de janeiro trazem uma nova opção de estudos para os alunos. Agora aberta ate às 4 da manhã, funcionam como uma sala de estudos, uma vez que antes disso, só havía a opção da biblioteca para os alunos que moram nos arredores da Universidade. Com isso, a cantina funcionará com um serviço de sopas e baguetes até às 8:30 da noite, e depois haverá uma maquina de café disponivel para os alunos durante toda a noite.
Para quem não sabe, há outros espaços de estudo para os estudantes da Universidade de Coimbra. No Polo I, existem várias salas de estudo, uma delas por exemplo no Colégio São Jeronimo. Há também espaço na cantina do 5° piso. Na Associação Académica, também há uma sala de estudos.



Somehow all of the "Western" countries influenced by European culture seem to celebrate in a more or less similar way. But how is it when we go farther, to the far, far East? Maybe China?

China has a different calendar, in our tradition following the moon calendar, New Year’s Eve is celebrated in February! 

Many Chinese traditions originate from ancient history: in the old days, a horrible monster whose name was "Year“ used to terrify all Chinese villages, killing many people and devastate the country. Its madness ended thanks to a man, dressed in red, who spent his days burning bamboo and making a lot of noise. The monster "Year" got burnt and passed away. 
That’s the reason why RED is the color that brings good luck on NYE! Instead of white and black, which you should avoid on this festivity since they symbolize death and mourning... 
Also the Chinese calendar designs each year a specific animal, a bit like Zodiac symbols, the upcoming year will be under the sign of the snake.

In order to keep the monster from returning we developed some interesting traditions for New Year's Eve:

Close the door and gather all family together (but just for one day, afterwards we're paying visits to relatives and friends), paste red couplets on the doors, burn fireworks and bonfires to scare "Year", wearing new clothes (especially red ones) to demonstrate the happy atmosphere, but also to scare bad things away, and finally the dinner in the evening with the whole family coming together and preparing the best dishes as a foreshadowing or symbolic act that everyone will have but good food during the year to come. A typical food is called "Jiao zi", which would be translated as "dumpling" in English (usually salty, with lots of different variations), there is a little coin put inside one of the jiao zi and the lucky person who gets this one is considered to expect a new year full of luck and prosperity.
Then we watch a live TV show that almost every Chinese family watches, which is called "CCTV Spring Festival Gala".

Also very typical is that adult people give pocket money to the younger ones who give compliments and kind words in exchange. Usually the more creative the verse, the more generous the donors...

by Eve

Two Cultures/One New Year's Eve

Babel's Soki surely is from Belgium, but of Angolean descent. How is she spending her New Year's usually? In the following article, she tells us about the most common Belgian traditions and the African way of celebrating her family still maintains and worships.

In Belgium, we like celebrations and New Year's Eve for sure is a good moment to get relief from the past year's stress and uncomfortable moments: It’s a holiday and people need joy, happiness and lights in the streets, decorations...and then we await the arrival of sales in the shops! THIS moment of the year is certainly magic to me... 
To be perfectly honest, I don't know much about the habits of Belgian people. I was born in Belgium, but I'm Angolan, so my family celebrates the Angolan way, following this African culture.

But talking about the Belgian way of spending New Year’s Eve, actually, it’s not that easy to respond anyway... they don’t have just one tradition! Basically, young people celebrate that night the way they prefer more.
During Saint Sylvester (that’s the name of the last night of the year), at midnight, Belgians drink champagne and watch the fireworks and bonfires in the sky.
I don’t know about a traditional Belgian dish. In my celebrations with my friends, we buy whatever we like to eat, without paying attention to a specifical “dinner culture”.
Apart from dinner, one really traditional thing is kissing under the mistletoe: it brings good luck and prosperity for the upcoming year!

But, when I celebrate with my folks, the entire family is present: parents, siblings, uncles, cousins, my parents's friends, my friends... in Africa, the traditional term "family" is more likely to be extended on people you are close to, although you're not related by ancestry.

With this huge bunch of invites, we eat a lot of African food (vegetables, meat, fish, fufu, pondu,...) before midnight and at midnight the eldest person of the family usually says a prayer to thank God for everything and to ask him for blessing and protection for the family during the New Year. 
The first day of the new year is more about having fun at night, with music, dancing... we welcome the new year with a lot of joy! Everybody has to be happy on New Year’s Day without thinking of bad moments or sad things!

Feliz Ano Novo! (É como dizemos no Brasil...)

Another trip across the pond, this time with Anna Charlotte to Brazil, where she introduces us to their specialties and peculiarities.

The new year in Brazil is a really great celebration. Due to the country's enormous territorial area and the huge amount of merging and differing cultures and customs, there are many ways of enjoying and meeting people for that special date.

Let´s start with a typical family celebration: In general, people join their families for small parties in their houses. Surely that depends on how big the family is, but it´s common to invite grandparents, aunts, uncles and nephews, close friends and neighbors to celebrate the New Year together with you. For these parties, it is common to find different kinds of food, a wide variety of dishes, but the most common is pork: there is an interesting superstition that says it's good to eat meat at this time. Poultry isn’t indicated because it scratches on the back, while beef, pork and sheep are animals that walk forward, thus bringing more prosperity.
There are also many public festivals organized, to watch fireworks and bonfires. Each city has street parties, or private ones in clubs, where they offer musical attractions besides the traditional fireworks show. 
The most traditional festivity known in Brazil is the "reveillon" of Copacabana, in Rio de Janeiro, where people from all over the world come to watch the spectacle of lights on the beach.
There are als, some others superstitions about New Year Eve: The use of white cloths for example, an influence from African religions like Candomblé, where followers show their respect to the beach dressing in white. Still, many people use white clothing regardless of religion, but just because it’s become such a commercial thing! It doesn’t mean that everybody has to wear white clothes, we mix a lot of colors! But the very important thing is just not to be dressed in black or brown, because they are considered sad colors. There are also some recommendable rituals like placing a laurel leaf in your wallet to bring money.
Well, as I already mentioned, Brazil is a mixture of cultures and traditions... there are so many other things you can’t even imagine! In each region, each city, no matter how tiny or big it might be, people have always created and recreated traditions that were passed on through generations.

New Year across the Atlantic Ocean: Argentina

This show's Argentinean ambassador Soledad on her NYE:

I don’t know how it is in your countries guys, but in Argentina Christmas and New Year's Eve are quite similar. That is: a lot of food, a lot of drinks, and also a lot of dancing (ok, the last thing depends on the family). I’m from the capital, Buenos Aires and I live in a “Barrio”, close to other people who are not only neighbors, but friends. So it’s very easy to go on the streets and have a drink with them on the sidewalk. We also organized some neighborhood parties on the corners of the streets or in some squares.
We usually toast twice to the New Year at midnight, first, after the family dinner on December 24th, so that's kind of an antecipating toast and finally on December 31st. After the toast everyone is free to go wherever they want to, and it’s very common that teens and young adults go and see friends and lovers. The rest of the family can stay awake till long in the morning, I would guesstimate 5, 6 o'clock or maybe even later, drinking, eating sweet things or sometimes just chatting.
Something really odd about our typical food is, that is not seasonal since the recipes are imported from Europe, where it's winter during this time, whilst we are sweating heavily under the south equatorian summer sun... 

Here's a quick look at a typical Argentinean NYE menu:

Starters; 1) Matambre 2) Vittel Toné: something really typical (it's cow meat with a sauce made of tuna, mayonese and olive oil) 3) Empanadas: could be cow meat or chicken meat 

Main Dish: “Lechon con ensalada rusa” 

Drinks: For the toast something really sweet: sidra and ananá fizz (it might also be champagne, but since that's quite expensive it's not very common with the middle class). 

Sweets: The most important is the "mantecol" and the "garrapiñadas". Mantecol I think is a Greek sweet, but we eat it a lot in christmas, and garrapiñadas are sweet nuts. We also must have "pan dulce", a kind of panettone, with walnuts, hazelnuts and dried fruit that has a lot of calories, that we obviously don’t need during a 38°C summer. The only refreshing part is fruit salad and/with ice cream.

12 grapes for the new year

Have you ever wondered how our Spanish friends have passed the last few days? Pablo shares his New Year's Eve with us:

On New Year's Eve, we usually have dinner with the whole family and wait for the countdown! We're not only watching it, we're part of it! 
Indeed it's tradition, to eat 12 grapes when the clock strikes midnight, one for each toll and second. Whilst the new year is entering, we think about a resolution and congratulate our family members and all people we meet and know. After the “family” celebration, most of the young people go partying until the day after. Of course, after all this eating, we cannot go to sleep without having a special breakfast, “churros con chocolate caliente” (some sort of hot chocolate with greasy pastry to dip in)!


In Madrid, the 31 of December in the afternoon there is a popular marathon, is not a regular race, is much more funny, thousands of people running through the town on a 10km course and all the streets are closed for this race. Most of the people are dressed up with original and funny costumes, and what could be better than saying goodbye to the year than running? In my family we're often participating in that run anfterwards, we're mostly following the “main tradition” and have dinner and all of the mentioned above and below.

 There is no proper typical food for a New Year's celebration. Our dinner is more or less like the Christmas dinner. But we certainly drink lots of wine, champagne and sparkling wine (in Spain also known as Cava). We start dining with an appatizer: pieces of lamb, spanish ham, olive oils, the famous tapas and so on, followed by a hot soup, to fight the cold of December! After that we start with the "real" food: meat (usually lamb), and many typical sweets called polvorones (a kind of heavy, soft and very crumbly spanish shortbread made of flour, sugar, milk, and nuts).

by Pablo