
Portuguese Literature...Get Your Read On!

Let's set this off with our guest's suggestions for Portuguese books that are very recommendable for all kinds of students, young people, old people, Erasmus, non-Erasmus and everyone else who is interested in the Portuguese language:

- Miguel Torga, "Diário": Miguel Torga's diary is available in many volumes, obviously it turned some tradition for students to buy the volume of their birth year.

- José Saramago, "Jamgada de Pecha": a novel.

- Fernando Assis Pacheco, "Trabalhos & Paixões de Benito Prada"

Then, our suggestions for places to read and libraries in Coimbra:

- Biblioteca Geral, University - opposite of FLUC (it has its 500 year anniversary coming up!)

- the libraries of all the faculties, some nice videos to get to know parts of them from our colleagues at UCv:

- Biblioteca Municipal and their webpage:


- Literature events in Coimbra, announced on Camera Municipal's page:


And following (in Portuguese), our links for getting some background information on all the things more or less deep about Lusophone literature:

Very well made site from Instituto Camões, explainig the history of Portuguese literature, main works and authors:

Overview on works, authors, aso, listed by historic context:

Enormous Wikipedia site, way too big if you just want to get a short overview:

Centre of Portuguese Literature of FLUC:

Enormous blog on authors of Portuguese literature, useful for a more specified search and to get to check authors on a more entertaining basis, less scientific:

Very short text, that sums up the most important on Portuguese Literature:

That a-f-ing-mazing children's page, we also used for our Santos Populares show, explaining Dia de Camões:

Wikipedia explaining Luis de Camões:

Wikipedia explaining Camões Day:

Some events on this year's Camões Day:

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